Weight-Loss Doctor
Healthy Weight-Loss

If you have ever tried to lose weight, you know how difficult it is to take and keep the pounds off. In the past, you may have tried various diets and exercise routines. They may have been effective at the beginning but, over time, you find yourself falling off the wagon and regaining the unwanted weight. Despite this, we continue to seek weight-loss through quick-fix, fad diets and intense exercise routines, only to fail yet again. It is time to change this flawed diet cycle. In order to take and keep pounds off, we must implement a new method.
Birmingham DPC: Obesity Management Method
The concept behind our approach is similar to building a strong chair. The more legs a chair has, the stronger it will be. That is why we will work on changes to your nutrition, exercise and behavior as these are the tools you can keep with you for the rest of your life. If necessary, medications, supplements or injections may be used to compliment the aforementioned tools that you already have.

Our Method

At BDPC, we promote weight-loss through healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes. We do not endorse “quick-fix” diets, but rather gradual, sustainable diet and exercise modifications.

Birmingham DPC: An Apple a Day
We promote gradual weight-loss which is proven to be more effective and maintainable in the long-run. Our aim is to help you achieve your weight-loss goal and maintain a healthy body weight for years to come!

Our weight-loss protocol is designed to teach you the basic skills needed in order to achieve and maintain your healthy body weight. Through our program, we will provide basic nutrition education, snack and meal suggestions, portion control recommendations, and more. You will be supervised by our board certified obesity medicine doctor and do weekly coaching calls with our nutrition health coach.

We ask you to give us 13 weeks so we can show you results.

You are likely wondering what will this program look like? Your first visit consists of a detailed interview and physical exam with our physician board certified in obesity medicine. A thorough panel of labs in addition to the interview will be done to determine any additional factors that may be contributing to the patient’s weight and metabolism.

The next week there will be a follow up telemedicine call  with our board certified obesity physician, who will do a thorough discussion of the labs, and go over his recommendations including nutritional, lifestyle changes and, if applicable, medications to help in your weight loss journey. 

This same week you will have an extended virtual meeting with our highly experienced nutritional coach followed by weekly accountability meetings thereafter. You will have one more meeting with our physician towards the end.

 We are excited to support you as you begin your weight-loss journey and coach and supervise you throughout the journey. We will also work on imparting in you the tools needed to sustain your healthy weight for life!  Please give us a call to learn more about our weight loss program details and package.

Dr. Efe Sahinoglu, M.D.

Schedule a No-Obligation10-Minute Intro Call

Hi! Efe Sahinoglu here. I’m so glad you’re interested in my clinic, and am happy to answer any questions you might have. Just complete the form below and a member of my amazing team will be happy to talk with you about our program!
